Several years ago, I let people know that I had taken on a business partner, Jenna Novic, to ensure that Rosebud Co. will continue to…
My addiction to old homes and house museums has enabled me to see countless fine homes all over Europe and North America. The historic value may…
Fifty years ago, I took the big plunge. I was at a point in my life where I wanted my own business. Fortunately for me,…
They Know Their Part, Do You? Let Me Give You A Quick Tutorial So You Aren’t Part Of A Tragedy.
A Radical Approach To Protecting Finished Floors
These European finishes exceed expectations where American “penetrating finishes” have fallen flat. This in-depth article I prepared for the Journal of Light Construction gets down…
Restoration, Not Devastation When the challenge of restoring old historic wood floors without sanding was thrown down, Rosebud Company was the only wood flooring company…
If you’re interested in Clean & Recoat, there are a few ways to check to see if your floor is a candidate. You’re mainly checking…
After more than forty-five years of being the sole proprietor of The Rosebud Company, I felt it was time to look into options for my…
I am an old house junkie. Working on older homes has always been far more enjoyable than tackling something that is just coming out of…